Step 6: Adding Multiple Spouses

If you have been married more than once, choose New Spouse from the Add pop-up menu (the green plus sign) that appears above your name. Up to 50 spouses may be entered for each individual. Hopefully, that'll do.

The Edit Person window will appear waiting for you to enter the name, dates, and other information for the other spouse. As before, female spouses should be entered using the maiden name as the last name. When you're finished, click the Save button.

Reunion will make a new family card for the immediate family of you and your other spouse. The other spouse you just "added" will be shown as the spouse on the new family card.

It's easy to tell if somebody has multiple spouses because a little red triangle will appear next to his or her name. This red triangle is a pop-up menu button that lets you open the family card for a person and his or her other spouses.

In a Nutshell

A family card will be made for each marriage to each spouse. If you have been married three times, you will appear on three cards -- one for each family of which you were a part. Your information will be identical on all three family cards, but each card will show a different spouse. A family card will automatically be made for you and your current spouse, you and your first spouse, and you and your second spouse. Three times married -- three different family cards. The natural or adopted children of each of the three separate marriages will appear on the family card showing the children's natural or adoptive parents as the mother and father.

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